National Scientific Committee
Anthony Anyia | Alberta Innovates-Technology Futures
Franco Berruti | Western University
Habiba Bougherara | Ryerson University
David Bressler | University of Alberta
Ajay Dalai | University of Saskatchewan
Bill Deen | University of Guelph
Johanne Denault | National Research Council Canada
John Dutcher | University of Guelph
Andrew Hrymak | Western University
Amir Fam | Queen’s University
Basil Favis | École Polytechnique de Montréal
Raghavan Jayaraman | University of Manitoba
Frank Ko | University of British Columbia
Marianna Kontopoulou | Queen’s University
Takashi Kuboki | Western University
Luc Laperrière | Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Sean McKay | Composites Innovation Centre
Hani Naguib | University of Toronto
Suresh Narine | Trent University
Anh Dung Ngô | École de technologie supérieure de l’Université du Québec
Aung Oo | Western Sarnia-Lambton Research Park
Chul Park | University of Toronto
Ashish Pujari | McMaster University
Istvan Rajcan | University of Guelph
Ghaus Rizvi | University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Denis Rodrigue | Université Laval
Leonardo Simon | University of Waterloo
Minh-Tan Ton-That | National Research Council Canada
Aman Ullah | University of Alberta
John Vlachopoulos | McMaster University
Huining Xiao | University of New Brunswick
Steven Young | University of Waterloo